Club Admiralty

v7.2 - moving along, a point increase at a time

Club Admiralty Blog

A blog about life in general, in as many languages as I can manage. Ενα ιστολόγιο περι ζωής, πολυγλωσσο - σε όσες γλωσσες εχω μεράκι να γράψω.

Εποχή της φτώχια

Όταν ήμουν μικρός, ο παππούς πάντα ερχόταν σπίτι με κονσέρβες, ιδικα σαρδέλες, και ας μην τος έτρωγε συχνά. Η γιαγιά εν το μεταξύ έκανε αστεία πως αν υπήρχε ποτέ οικονομικό πρόβλημα θα ήμασταν εντάξει με τις κονσέρβες, τα
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Χρόνια Πολλά - Merry Christmas!

Χρόνια πολλά και καλά Χριστούγεννα! Ευτυχία, υγεία και ειρήνη παντού στον κόσμο!Merry Christmas and best wishes to all. Health, Happiness and Peace to the world!
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Salem 2009 halloween wrap up

I've been waiting to write this post until I had a few YouTube videos of my outing on Saturday but it seems that my iPhone won't upload them over 3G. So commentary now, videos later.This year I actually went out to see all the costumes and festivities at Halloween. When the darned holiday falls on a weekday I don't wantto go out after work and I don't want to stay up late. Anyway, the excursion was
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Aaahhh, the good ol' days...

I was reading this article on OS news recently about the original Mac and it brought back some fond memories. My first experience with a Mac was in 1994, in my high school's "writing lab". This computer lab was housed in the English department and had 25 or so Mac plus computers, with 20 megabyte external hard drives, and a keyboard and mouse with that famous RJ-11 cable (or at least I think it was
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Disappearing footprints, part deux

I was having some more thougts on the issue of archiving our digital lives. This line of thought reminds me of Palm's new ad for the Pre that mentions that "your life is made up of so many other lives".In years past, people snapped candid photos of you in group and private occasions. Those photos may have been shared, or they may have been kept private and you would have been none the wiser. Today
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Digital footprints being washed away...

I was reading this article on our digital (and online) lives slowly leaking away on Robert Scoble's blog. In essence the blog post is about our digital footprints being washed away. In years past we had letters, postcards and photographs to document our journey through life and all things important to us.For example, I've written a number of times about the letters that I have from good friends,
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Hoping for a sunny weekend

The holiday on Wednesday was actully pretty nice. Sunny and rather warm. Great weather to sit out and enjoy the deck. The last two days have been gray and runny, bleh it figures that this happens when I take a couple of days off LOLLuckily the stages of patapon were equally rainy or snowy so it was an OK fit. I hope that this weekend will be nice and sunny.-- Post From My iPod Touch
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Επιστροφή στο μέλλον!

Επιστροφή λοιπόν από τις μπλογοδιακοπές.Η μεταφορά του μπλόγκ από το Rapidweaver στο blogger πήγε μια χαρά. Το μόνο πρόβλημα που είχα είναι πως τα δημοσιεύματά μου στα Ελληνικά, που δεν είναι και πολλά σε αυτό το μπλόγκ - προς το παρών
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Back from blog-vacation!

Well, this wasn't really a vacation per-se, but rather an excuse to try and move my blog from the RapidWeaver default blog page to blogger using RapidBlog. Most things went without a hitch. I was able to move all my posts to blogger (50 posts per day because of Blogger's limit), and then I spent some time changing links, making sure that things work and you don't get any page-not-found errors.All
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Μπορεί να είδατε το σημείωμά στα Αγγλικά, αλλά καλού κακού είπα να το βάλω και στα
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