Club Admiralty Blog
A blog about life in general, in as many languages as I can manage. Ενα ιστολόγιο περι ζωής, πολυγλωσσο - σε όσες γλωσσες εχω μεράκι να γράψω.
Η πολυκατοικία
Tuesday, Jun 30 2009, 15:42 Entertainment, Television, Τηλεόραση, ΨυχαγωγίαΆλλη μια σειρά που βλέπω εδώ και κάτι εβδομάδες (ας είναι καλά ο κενός χρόνος στο τρένο) είναι Η πολυκατοικία.H αλήθεια είναι πως δεν ήμουν και πολύ σίγουρος για αυτή την νέα σειρά όταν άρχισα να την παρακολουθώ αλλά τώρα τελευταία

UMass Boston Class of 69
Monday, Jun 29 2009, 06:51 School, WorkIt's always interesting to hear about the first of anything. Usually those are individuals who brave the cold storm, go uphill both ways, to accomplish something extraordinary.When I was a Senior in high school and I was thinking about which schools to attend, I chose UMass Boston because of the great vibe that I got from it despite its need for certain aesthetic and structural repairs. I came across

Frappe 101
Sunday, Jun 28 2009, 04:09 Humor, Βίντεο, ΕλληνικάΤο είδα και έσκασα στα γέλια - φοβερό!!!!Πόσες φορές έχω κάνει φραπέ και δεν έχω καλαμάκια!

Security Fail
Saturday, Jun 27 2009, 11:58 FAIL, TechnologyHere's something you don't see every day.I was trying to log onto the student self-service system the other day to check out if there are any additional fall semester courses that I should be aware of. I fired up by browser, typed in the address for the WISER (the student self service system) and I see the warning bellow. Weird!I typed and tried to navigate that way - all OK - no warningI

Πάει το PowerBook!
Saturday, Jun 27 2009, 10:39 Mac, TechnologyΜετά από έξι χρόνια πάει και το PowerBook!Η αλήθεια είναι πως τα περασμένα δύο χρόνια είμαι χωρίς airport και χωρίς ήχο...και χωρίς τις υψηλότερες δυνατότητες της κάρτας γραφικών επειδή έπρεπε να το αρχίσω σε safe mode για να δουλέψει,

World of Goo
Friday, Jun 26 2009, 10:27 Entertainment, Mac, VideoGamesSo...back with another Video Game Friday segment and now it's on my Mac!I haven't played a game on a computer in ages! I do have a number of games that I bought when I got my G4 PowerBook but I haven't played those in ages. I think that the last games I played on the PowerBook were Black and White and Splinter Cell. Anyway, back in December I bought the MacHeist package of software and as always there

Oh save us!
Thursday, Jun 25 2009, 05:52 Entertainment, Films, WTFA number of years ago, when VHS tapes were still populating the video clubs, I was looking for a film with a taste of Greece. This is before I was able to find Greek films elsewhere.In any case, I was staring at this film called Ulysses' Gaze. Saw that it was made by a Greek director and that it had gotten some prize so I decided to rent it. What a horrible idea. The film is three hours long of

HTC Hero - drool
Wednesday, Jun 24 2009, 17:10 Android, Technology, TelephonyI've always been interested in android in a Geek sort of way. Never has this OS appealed to me in the iPhone-like "ZOMG! Can I haz Android?" type of way.This changed today when I saw a promo video of the HTV Hero.OK, promo videos are made to induce such an irrational "I want it!" behavior, but the interface is really cool (good job HTC) and it really leaves Windows Mobile in the dust. It's making

NES controlled with a Theremin
Wednesday, Jun 24 2009, 10:22 Classics, Entertainment, Technology, VideoGamesThis has got to be the coolest thing I have seen in recent months!This version of Super Mario Brothers is controlled with a Theremin. For those of you who don't know (like me), a Theremin is a musical instrument that you play without making any contact with the instrument.Have a quick look at the video - it's sure to amaze.

Most blog abandoned - so what?
Wednesday, Jun 24 2009, 06:41 Opinion, TechnologyI came across this NY times article through slashdot a few weeks back. I read it and thought to myself "meh". Now I am back at it. I started thinking.OK, there are 1000X blogs, but people only update 100X. I think that it would be unsustainable to update all blogs all the time. There are people out there that are attention hogs that write to be read by many many people. There are others that bought

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