Club Admiralty Blog
A blog about life in general, in as many languages as I can manage. Ενα ιστολόγιο περι ζωής, πολυγλωσσο - σε όσες γλωσσες εχω μεράκι να γράψω.
Google Cloud Connect - FTW!
Thursday, Feb 24 2011, 17:47 Cloud, Google, TechnologyGoogle, oh how I love thee!
This is just simply awesome, and so much more simpler than Microsoft's Sharepoint!
Now...all that Google needs to do is to provide a Mac Office version, an Apple Pages version and an OpenOffice plug-in and we're all set! :-)

NEStalgia - 8bit MMORPG!
Wednesday, Feb 23 2011, 18:01 Entertainment, nintendo, VideoGamesAs much as I love the Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell type games I love "classic" gaming.
Some entrepreneurial person decided to make an 8bit style RPG with Online qualities... looks pretty cool!

7 χρόνια, 4 μεταπτυχιακά, και μια κανονική δουλειά
Friday, Feb 18 2011, 17:10 Ελληνικά, γνώση, παιδεία, παν/μιο
Τις προάλλες παρατήρησα ότι 8 άτομα σταμάτησαν να δουλεύουν στο πανεπιστήμιο μου όταν κοίταζα τον λογαριασμό μου στο LinkedIn. Όχι ότι μπορώ να παρατηρήσω πως μερικά άτομα λείπουν από μια τεράστια λίστα εργαζομένων, το LinkedIn

7 years, 4 Masters, Full time job
Friday, Feb 18 2011, 17:09 Education
The other day I made an observation on LinkedIn that 8 people had recently left the employment of UMass (LinkedIn told me so). The number seemed rather high, so I wanted, out of curiosity, to know who had left, was it someone I knew? It turns out that most of the people who "left" were teaching assistants, graduate assistants, or like me had added "student" to their profile under job.

British Movie
Tuesday, Feb 15 2011, 17:19 Hulu, Humor, Languages, SNL, VideoA pretty funny mock-trailer for a British Movie.
Someone once said that Americans and the Brits were separated by a common language - it just goes to show you that language isn't the end-all-be-all of national identity :-)

I guess no roads lead to symbian!
Monday, Feb 14 2011, 17:16 Nokia, Symbian, Technology, WindowsA few years back I had hypothesized that Nokia would roll all of its intellectual property and know-how into creating one kick-ass next-gen version of its Symbian OS, making Symbian not only competitive, but also able to support from the lowest of the low end phones to the highest end smartphones. Last week we found out otherwise. Nokia and Microsoft entered an agreement in which

Κοιτάω για διδακτορικό...
Thursday, Feb 3 2011, 17:12 Ελληνικά, διδακτορικό, σπουδές
Πριν περίπου ένα μήνα αποφοίτησα από το πρόγραμμα εφαρμοσμένης γλωσσολογίας, παίρνοντας άριστο βαθμό στις εξαγωγικές εξετάσεις. Πραγματικά δεν το περίμενα να πάρω τόσο υψηλό βαθμό. Μερικοί συμφοιτητές άρχισαν να

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