Club Admiralty

v7.2 - moving along, a point increase at a time

Club Admiralty Blog

A blog about life in general, in as many languages as I can manage. Ενα ιστολόγιο περι ζωής, πολυγλωσσο - σε όσες γλωσσες εχω μεράκι να γράψω.

MMS: what happened?!

A long long time ago I got my first "internet capable" phone which contained a new messaging technology. That phone was the Ericsson T68i and that new technology was MMS! While the phone had a camera attachment, it was a separate purchase, and it was an anemic 0.3MP (which is what my SonyEricsson P800 camera was, I think).  In any case, the idea behind MMS was that it would be a cross-platform,
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Generic GOP candidate to beat Obama

So specific GOP candidates get whooped by Obama, but a generic one doesn't ?!?!?!  Well, meet your generic candidate, America!
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Poke! φοβερή διαφήμιση!

Τις προάλλες έβλεμα τα νέα του ΑΝΤ1 στην ιστοσελίδα τους και είδα μια διαφήμιση της Cosmote για το πακέτο τους internet on the go με κάρτα.  Αρκετά φάση ο τύπος - Poke μελανχολία! λολ
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Greece ή Hellas;

Την περασμένη εβδομάδα πέτυχα στο twitter εν τουίτ την @ediva στο οποίο έγραφε "Γιατί Hellenic και όχι Greek;". Η αλήθεια είναι πως και εγώ αυτό αναρωτιέται εδώ και χρόνια. Όταν μάθαιβα Αγγλικά (πριν πάρα πολλά χρόνια) και μαθαίναμε τα
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Best use if a QR code!

I was watching the Daily Show this past weekend and in one of the episodes from last week Stewart was making fun of CNN and the republican candidate debate; more specifically CNN's use of on-screen QR codes to rake viewers to some CNN website (stats about the candidate ? LOL). In any case Stewart throws up his own barcode which too you to a website with the image bellow. Well played sir! Best. QR code
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Wii U - is it weird or just me?

Alright, so Part II of my E3 observations... the Wii U (Wii University?!?!?!) Now, it is me, or is this contraption just weird? Now, to be fair I did think that the original Wii was a bit weird having a controller schema that was so unlike previous joypad schemas - and in the end, having used a Wii at my brother's place, I didn't find it all that bad.  The Wii U sort of reminds me a bit of the
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PS Vita

Last week I was wondering if anything came out of E3 that was worthwhile.  I honestly did not know that E3 was even happening! I had connected my XBOX360 to the web to see if there were any firmware updates to be done, and I saw some xbox live gold special, $2 for a 2 month subscription, and E3 special. In any case, this piqued my interested and I was wondering what was happening with the next
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DLC...the dillema...

This past weekend I was considering getting a couple of expansion packs for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood as well as Bioshock 2 for my xbox360.  In addition I was on my PSP and I downloaded the "welcome back" pack, for free, that was available after some sort of snafu that happened on PSN.  I downloaded little big planet and pursuit force - nice! I was also tempted to pay $20 to buy Assassin's
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I downloaded the mobile version of blackboard for my iPhone this past weekend since the instance of blackboard that we have for testing has mobile enabled. This would be a good opportunity, I thought, to test the mobile elements of the blackboard learn 9 platform.When I opened the app and tried to connect to our instance I was greeted with the message in the image - must connect to wifi in order to
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Adieu iDisk?

I guess iCloud is the next best thing in the Apple domain.  Man this service has changes so many names over the years; iTools in 2000, .Mac (dot Mac) in 2002, MobileMe in 2008 and in 2011 it's going to be iCloud. I just got the following email from Apple regarding the service: Dear MobileMe member,We'd like to share some exciting news with you about iCloud — Apple’s upcoming cloud service,
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