Club Admiralty

v7.2 - moving along, a point increase at a time

Club Admiralty Blog

A blog about life in general, in as many languages as I can manage. Ενα ιστολόγιο περι ζωής, πολυγλωσσο - σε όσες γλωσσες εχω μεράκι να γράψω.

Άπαιχτο! (freakin' awesome!)

A Greek song (original in music video form bellow) sung IN GREEK by a Japanese band. Now that's what I call Freakin' Awesome! I wonder if the band is learning (or speaks) Greek, or if it was all transliterated to katakana
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Alpha Protocol - some initial thought

With yet another driving scene in Alone in the Dark, I decided to put this game aside and try my hand at Alpha Protocol, another game that I got in the used bin for less than $15 this past summer.  While Alone in the Dark does allow me to skip that driving scene and go to the next part of the game (perhaps this being a silent acknowledgement that some of the game mechanics don't work
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iOS 5 στο iPad ναι, στα υπόλοιπα όχι.

Χτες είπα να κάτσω και να αναβαθμίσω το iPad μου αφού ούτως η άλλος δεν το είχα κάνει jailbreak. Εντάξει, εντυπωσιακό αρκετά το iOS 5 αλλά είναι ακόμα λίγο σπασικλάκι. Ναι μεν μου αρέσουν οι νέες γνωστοποιήσεις, αλλά στην οθόνη κλειδώματος
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Hypertext novels?

HyperCard - one of the tools used for creating HyperText fiction I came across this article on Slate the other day on the topic of HyperText books. I have to say that the idea intrigued me since for the "early life" of HyperText stories I was in Greece and I didn't have a computer, and for the latter part of their life (in the 90s anyway), I wasn't really interested in reading novels, much less so
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GLaDOSiri (pretty funny)

OK, I know this isn't exactly new but it is pretty funny, even though I have not played Portal (maybe I should pick up the Orange Box these holidays).Now as far as user changeable voices go, I've seen them on TomTom and I can say that they can get fairly annoying. The only voice that would do is Majel Barrett (the computer voice in star trek)
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Εργασία, Ελλάδα και σκόρπιες σκέψεις

Την περασμένη Παρασκευή είχα λίγο ελεύθερο χρόνο οπότε είπα να κάτσω να δω τα νέα της ημέρας σε κάποιο διαδικτυακό κανάλι. Πήγα πρώτα στα ενημερώσεις του Mega αλλα η Ανάλυση ήταν χαμηλή και δεν φαινωταν ωραία όταν έβαζα το
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Java Life rap song

ROFL... Reminds me of "I'm on a boat"... puts a smile on your face in the morning :-)
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Adieu Steve

Goodbye to an innovator and a great leader - and a heck of a presenter! I have to say that I came into the Apple world after Jobs had left the company and I still loved the products they had (confusing as the product line up was).  I was there when the NeXT acquisition brought Steve back and witnessed the Apple renaissance. For a while there the fear was that Apple would go the way of the Amiga
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Idea for gRSShopper - participant +1

I was sitting on the train this afternoon On the train catching up on the Digital Scholar (Martin Weller's book from last week on Change MOOC), reading some of the seed-posts from this week's facilitator and reading some initial posts from people who've already written something on thus week's topic (collective learning).I have a few blog post to dos on my list for the next couple of days (which require
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Why Windows 8 is interesting

I've heard lots of grippes over the past week about Windows 8 but I have to say that I for one am quite interested in it, and I have been a Mac fanboi for most of computer using life and I have never particularly liked the Windows OS line. Windows Vista and 7 are OK. With Windows 8 things have an opportunity to change (no, I am not switching to Windows, but I could consider making them part of my
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