Club Admiralty

v7.2 - moving along, a point increase at a time

Club Admiralty Blog

A blog about life in general, in as many languages as I can manage. Ενα ιστολόγιο περι ζωής, πολυγλωσσο - σε όσες γλωσσες εχω μεράκι να γράψω.

Adieu GoWalla!

Last week, before thanksgiving, I was out an about doing some last minute holiday (food) shopping and I thought it would be worthwhile checking in.  Since the API changes over at Foursquare, Gowalla has been unable to auto post from GoWalla, so I've been posting twice, once from each app. Pulled out FourSquare and checked in to venues without much trouble.  Pulled out GoWalla and I was scratching
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Να και το νέο xbox…

Το παλιό μου xbox, πήγε κατά διαβόλου και μου έβγαλε το κόκκινο κυκλάκι της συμφοράς… Εντάξει, δεν πειράζει γιατί και δωρεάν μου το σώσανε πριν δύο χρόνια και μεταχειρισμένο ήταν όταν μου το έδωσαν. Το μόνο σπάσιμο ήταν πως
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GoWalla has jumped the shark...

Yesterday, while running some pre-thanksgiving errands, I decided to check in to my local bakery while waiting for my stuff.. Checked in with Foursquare, no problem; went into GoWalla (it still crashed on iOS5 mind you, but my iPhone is on iOS4 so it still works) an I couldn't find where and how to check in...WTH??? GoWalla has gone through several "upgrades" (let's call them upgrades...they seem more
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Red Ringed! (or Red Rung?)

Well, I guess the inevitable happened last night.  I powered up my xbox 360, put in Alone in the Dark (I am close to the end, so I decided to just keep going) and the unit froze a few second into the game.  It has been freezing the past few days but it kept coming back. In any case. I turned it off, turned it back on again, and this time it froze on the xbox bootup screen... Turned it off
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Daybreak - interesting series

The other day I finished watching the series Daybreak on Netflix. The series is only 13 episodes, so I guess it was cancelled, but at least the story was wrapped up somewhat neatly.  The idea behind the story is police-drama meets groundhog day: a day keeps repeating and repeating until something happens to stop it from repeating. In this story the main character is framed for murdering a District
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Οτι εχετε την ευχαρίστιση

Φοβερό σκίτσο που βρήκα στο twitter σήμερα... Η Ελλάδα δια μέσου των Αιώνων... Να γελάσουμε...ή να κλάψουμε; Πηγή: twitpic
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Διαδικτυακές Διασκέψεις & Συνέδρια

Την περασμένη εβδομάδα δύο συνεργάτες πήγαν σε μια διάσκεψη στο Ορλάντο, πιο συγκεκριμένα στην 17η διάσκεψη για ασύγχρονα δίκτυα εκμαθήσεως. Το καλό ήταν πως η δουλειά πλήρωσε ώστε εμείς στο γραφείο να έχουμε πρόσβαση τουλάχιστον
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Dara O'Brien: On Video games

Now this was pretty funny! I kept nodding "uh-huh!!!" while watching... that damn croutch keeps getting stuck just when I want to run :-)  No jokes about metal gear and hiding in a box though...perhaps for a future skit :-)
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WIndows 8 tablets with docks!

Microsoft, steal this idea! I was listening to Windows Weekly the other day and Laporte and Thurott were discussing ARM based Windows 8 tablets, versus Intel desktops, and how Microsoft's strategy is windows everywhere (as opposed to some sort of fragmented windows like we have now, and which was much worse in the past).  What seems to be escaping people is the idea of the dock! You could have
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Microsoft's Vision of 2010

I came across this video on YouTube (by hearing about it on Windows Weekly) and  I have to say that it is a riot! The tablets are bulky, they still use the stylus as inefficiently as they did back in 2005 (when this video was made) and...well it's so corporate!  At least the Knowledge Navigator video by Apple was a little more "real life." This video reminded me of the awesome motorola handset
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