Club Admiralty

v7.2 - moving along, a point increase at a time

Club Admiralty Blog

A blog about life in general, in as many languages as I can manage. Ενα ιστολόγιο περι ζωής, πολυγλωσσο - σε όσες γλωσσες εχω μεράκι να γράψω.

Assassins Creed Revelations - some initial thoughts

This past weekend I cracked open the case which contained Assassin's Creed Revelations and played it on my xbox- yay! Another Assassin's creed game! I was really interested to find out what happened after the events of Brotherhood!I clocked in a couple if hours finishing off a couple of sequences. My first impression is favorable - Constantinople seems pretty nice and there is actual Greek spoken (with
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Twitter Maxims of Cooperation

The other day I saw a friend of mine (and I hope it's OK to pick on you for a bit :-) ) who had a twitter (and Facebook) post like this one (content is made up): I am really #psyched about this #awesome #content on this #fabulous #topic that I am #super #interested in. This is #seriously #awesome.My friend, if you are reading this I am not picking on you, I am only using your twitter post as a jump
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Revelations is here!

I was looking at my amazon gift points the other day and I noticed that I had enough to buy& Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow as used games (heck even the new price for Assassin's creed isn't bad now that a few months have passed since its release!) While I hate leaving Halo Reach, Half-Life 2, and Gears of War in the middle, I just can't resist Assassin's
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Copy-to-hard drive fail...

The weekend before last I decided to use my massive hard drive to its full potential, and also clean up some of my living room by copying over my xbox games from disc to hard drive.  I thought that by copying the games to disc would just allow me to run them from the hard drive, instead of the game disc, and I would be able to file my games away so that they are not in the way. It took several
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Εποχή της φτώχια

Όταν ήμουν μικρός, ο παππούς πάντα ερχόταν σπίτι με κονσέρβες, ιδικα σαρδέλες, και ας μην τος έτρωγε συχνά. Η γιαγιά εν το μεταξύ έκανε αστεία πως αν υπήρχε ποτέ οικονομικό πρόβλημα θα ήμασταν εντάξει με τις κονσέρβες, τα
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Πάει και το megaupload...

Χτες το απόγευμα είχα την ευκαιρία να διαβάσω όσα είχε μαζευτεί στο google reader και τα μεγάλα νέα ηταν δυο. Πρώτον το "νέο" iBooks το οποίο θα έχει και σχολικά βιβλία τώρα και δεύτερον το κλείσιμο του megaupload και η συλληψη των ηγετικών
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Halo 2600

I am pretty sure I posted this some time ago, but I was listening to an episode of Retronauts the other day and I was reminded of this game's existence.  Pretty trippy!  the audio and video from this reminds me of the "good ol' days" of having an atari 2600 in the late 80s - and the 2 games that I had for it - Donkey Kong and Galaxian.
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SOPA Protest Day

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
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Mission Impossible 4: καλύτερη απ'οτι περίμενα

Εντάξει, έχουν περάσει μερικές εβδομάδες απο τότε που είδα την ταινία αλλα δεν είχα και πολύ χρόνο να κάτσω να γράψω μερικές σκέψεις. Τώρα που περιμένω για το τραίνο να η ευκαιρία! Την πρώτη ταινία mission impossible την είδα στο σινεμά
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Happy new year!

Here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012 (won't say productive because that's not a good measure)So... glückliches neues Jahr, Buon Anno, bonne année, χρόνια πολλά, and с Новым годом to all!
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