Club Admiralty

v7.2 - moving along, a point increase at a time

Club Admiralty Blog

A blog about life in general, in as many languages as I can manage. Ενα ιστολόγιο περι ζωής, πολυγλωσσο - σε όσες γλωσσες εχω μεράκι να γράψω.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty | Done

A few weeks ago I finally completed the last game in the Metal Gear HD Collection, and that game was Metal Gear 2: Sons of Liberty. I suppose that the HD collection also include Metal Gear, and Metal Gear 2: Snake's Revenge, but since you have to boot up MGS3 to play them I am not counting them as part of the "HD" collection. Prior to playing it more recently, I had started playing MGS2 when
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More classic goodness, in your web browser

Well.  As if running MacOS 6 in vMac on your smartwatch wasn't enough, if you are craving some classic operating systems check out PCE.js which allows you to run MacOS 6 in a web browser, as well as Windows and DOS.  I wonder what my younger self would think of this if I had seen this 20 years ago... Now it's time to start emulating Amigas, IIgs, and OS/2. If you feel nostalgic for Windows
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Macintosh II on Android Wear

I guess it was only a matter of time before some ported emulators  on Android Wear.  This one is a port of vMac, the Mac Classic emulator which I think runs System 6 and System 7. On a touch-screen, with touch screen controls, it's not all that great. However, if someone could figure out a way to pair a bluetooth keyboard and mouse to it... that could be something. Of course the utility
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Τετραμελές και μαθητικό συμβούλιο

Κοντά στο τέλος της πρώτης σχολικής χρονιάς οι σύμβουλοι της τάξης μας, δύο καθηγητές, άρχισαν να μας βοηθούν να σχηματίσουμε ένα τετραμελές από μαθητές για να αρχίσουμε να έχουμε διάφορες εκδηλώσεις για την τάξη μας.
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My most recent ubuntu experiment

I've been experimenting with Linux on and off since 1999.  I was first introduced to linux when I was working at Barnes and Noble and I was working on the textbook floor with a number of other computer geeks. I think the first distro that I heard of was Slackware, but I don't think I have actually ever actually installed slackware.  I remember seeing their software boxes at stores like
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Κλάμπ στο σχολείο

Prodigy σε Windows 3.11 Ένα από τα καινούργια πράγματα όταν επέστρεψα στην Αμερική ήταν τα κλαμπ - δηλαδή μαθητικές λέσχες, που είχαν ως επίκεντρο κάποιο θέμα. Μέσω του Χόλιγουντ όταν ήμουν στην Ελλάδα έβλεπα στην στην τηλεόραση
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Make it so! Hacking together a tricorder.

Now this is pretty cool! Someone hacked together a tricorder using an older iPhone and a tricorder toy from the late 90's. Full story on the Nerdist. Now if only this were real - and if the hardware buttons actually did something ;-)
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Taking the smartwatch for a spin

Smartwatch 3 Over the past year I've been eyeballing and oogling over the Android Wear smartwatches.  A friend, and word-colleague, of mine has had an original Pebble for a while (I think he may have been a kickstart backer) but I have to admit that the Pebble didn't really appeal to me - at least the original one didn't. One of the things I didn't like was the square display.  I do
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Φυσική αγωγή στο Λύκειο

Δεν είμαι σίγουρος αν ακόμα έχουμε την γυμναστική ως μάθημα στο λύκειο στην Ελλάδα, αλλά εδώ στο λύκειο, τουλάχιστον όταν πρωτοήρθα, ήταν υποχρεωτικό μάθημα και για τα τέσσερα χρόνια του λυκείου (όπως έχουμε ξαναπεί, στο
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