Club Admiralty

v7.2 - moving along, a point increase at a time

Club Admiralty Blog

A blog about life in general, in as many languages as I can manage. Ενα ιστολόγιο περι ζωής, πολυγλωσσο - σε όσες γλωσσες εχω μεράκι να γράψω.

End of the Iconian War

  Well, the end of the Iconian War is upon us!  The story arc that started with New Romulus a couple of years ago is now seeing its conclusion.  During this arc we've explored ruins under New Romulus, we've discovered Dyson Spheres (two of them, in-fact) we've fought the Elachi, the Hirogen, the Undine, the Voth,... and the Iconians (wow, that's a lot of people to fight), and
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Another apple keynote? When did that happen?

When I was younger I used to inhale Apple Keynotes.  I think part of it was Steve Job's presentation style that really drew me in.  I was also a big Apple fan (well, I still am), so I really wanted to know what products came out and get all the related specs and dirt as soon as possible  Early on this meant buying MacAddict, and heading to the Boston Public library to read the
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Πάμε εκδρομή... στην φάρμα;

Η φάρμα που πήγαμε Την πρώτη μου χρονιά σε αμερικανικό λύκειο, όταν είχα το μάθημα οικιακής οικονομίας, είχα και την πρώτη μου εκδρομή. Αν και αυτή την χρονιά γράφω για το 10th grade (πρώτη λυκείου), η σεζόν μου θύμισε μια ιστορία
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Sev Trek: To Sev where no one has Seved before

This week's Sev Trek: Enterforaprize comic tackles the topic of....repetition, and burned out writers by the time they got to start with the Enterprise series.  I guess for the next Trek series we shouldn't do yet another enterprise.
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Hitman Absolution | Done

It seems like it took a while to finish this game, but it was a pretty good game (so no complaints here).  Last I left Agent 47 he was being laid to rest as and the FBI director was pretty pleased with himself that he got Dianna to turn and get 47 captured (or killed).  The game ended with a faint heartbeat that kicked in once Dianna placed his two signature weapons (his Ballers) in
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Στην χώρα των κόμικς, και πουθενά ένα Μίκυ Μάους!

Ένα από τα θέματα που σκεφτόμουν τώρα τελευταία είναι τα κόμικς. Στην πόλη που μένω έχουμε ένα κατάστημα το οποίο πουλάει κόμικς, και άλλα διάφορα όπως action figures, παιχνίδια, αγαλματάκια, και τέτοια πράγματα που έχουν κάνουν
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Sev Trek: Human smell and the nose pinch

This week's Sev Trek: Enterforaprize comic makes a little joke about the Vulcan neck pinch.  Curious how we didn't hear about how bad humans smell to vulcans after a few episodes...
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Falling Skies Season Finale

It's hard to believe that the show Falling Skies has been on the air for 5 years.  I guess this is what happens when a show is on in the summer and it only has 12 or 13 episodes per season - time flies!  Even so, plot-wise, it seems like the finale to this show was really rushed and it seemed quite anticlimactic.  There are spoilers in this, so if you haven't watched it go watch
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adieu, Star Trek Futures

Capt. Rachael Garrett It seems like one of the fan films that I've been waiting to hear more about, Star Trek Futures, has called it quits.  Too bad, because the story concept, and the era, seemed quite interesting. The story would have taken place on the Enterprise NCC 1701-C, in the JJ-verse, and it would center around Beverly and Wesley Crusher, and his father Jack Crusher who is not dead
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Sev Trek: Why did humans not explore the cosmos?

This week's Sev Trek: Enterforaprize comic tackles the topic of why the Vulcans, errr, sorry, the Velcrons prevented Humans from exploring the cosmos for such a long time.
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